Good question … in February the Minister of Justice drafted Bill – C7, took it through the House of Commons, sent it to the Senate and announced he was hoping to clear it through the Legislative Assembly by June in order to meet the demands of the Quebec Superior Court.

And then nothing (presumably due to the COVID pandemic) … until two weeks ago when the Minister advised the press (Parliament isn’t working), that he had requested a five-month extension of terms from the Quebec Court.

Well, in mid-May, I made a Zoom presentation to a Senior Men’s Probus Club in Mississauga. Given the current hiatus, the club wanted to know where we’re at with MAID. You may be interested, too.

Ron Posno

4 thoughts on “WHERE ARE WE WITH MAID? JUNE 2020”

  1. Thanks for this Ron — I go farther than you do — but this snapshot of MAID in June 2020.
    I believe that my right to die shouldn’t require some terminal diagnosis to qualify for MAID… after all, we all begin to die from the moment we’re born. Therefore, I (and anyone else who chooses) should be able to die peacefully at the time of my own choosing — ideally before any severe medical condition requires me to consume healthcare resources (and displace others needing those same resources).
    IF our laws prevent me from accessing this EOL via a simple injection by my own choice when I’m of sound mind, then I’ll choose a more traumatic and violent means — which will be more traumatic to all concerned — my surviving family first (even though I’ve had ‘the talk’ with them), and secondarily any witnesses or first responders… plus potentially the person driving the truck, train or bus or whatever.
    That is eventually what I’d like to see in place… ideally removing assisted suicide from the Criminal Code altogether.
    Thank you for facilitating this discussion and for allowing me to contribute to your other followers.
    I am one of the many who submitted these points to the ‘CONsultation’… and I also comment similarly in other forums eg. Healthy Debate… and the old (pre-Ford) Health Quality Ontario.
    I am also a DWDC member and contributor.

  2. Ron, I noticed I made a few errors in my original post — would you mind please substituting what follows below :

    Thanks for this Ron — this is a good snapshot of Canada’s MAID situation in June 2020.

    BUT I advocate farther than you do to completely ‘liberalizing’ Self-Euthanasia via MAID. My sole caveat (the same as is legally required with anyone’s Will & Testament) is that I be of ‘sound mind’ at the time I communicate my choice to die via MAID. (This can be communicated via an Advance Care Directive should one later become incompetent mentally… and that again parallels one’s only legal requisite when one creates one’s Will… and I have no problems with needing two witnesses for either of these two legal EOL=end-of-life documents.)

    I believe that my right to die shouldn’t require some terminal diagnosis to qualify for MAID (nevermind all the other current legal hurdles) … after all, we each begin to die from the moment we’re born. Therefore, it follows that I (and anyone else who so chooses) should be able to die peacefully at the time of my own choosing — ideally before any severe pre-requisite medical condition otherwise requires me to consume limited healthcare resources over a potentially long duration (while displacing others more needing those same resources to survive). I will know when it is my own time to die – based upon much sound assessment and forethought, coupled with a communicated list of threshold criteria.

    IF our laws prevent me from accessing this EOL — by my own choice when I’m still of sound mind — via a simple inexpensive injection, then I’ll choose a more violent means — which will be more traumatic to all concerned — my surviving family first (even though I’ve had ‘the talk’ with them), and secondarily any witnesses or first responders… plus potentially the person(s) driving the truck, train or bus or whatever.

    Unrestricted access to MAID is eventually what I’d like to see in place… ideally removing assisted suicide from our Criminal Code altogether… and allowing anyone who chooses MAID as their right to die method, to proceed as one would with other any other ‘elective’ medical procedures… at the time of their choosing.

    Thank you for facilitating this discussion for us, and for allowing me to contribute my hoped-for future MAID vision to you and to your other followers.

    I am one of the many who submitted such points to the federal ‘CONsultation’… and I also comment similarly in other forums eg. Healthy Debate… and the old (pre-Ford) Health Quality Ontario… but without much effect – at least not so far. I will continue to advocate for ‘liberalizing’ EOL MAID!

    I am also a DWDC member and contributor.

  3. Ron — Two final questions — do you publish any of our comments? If so, where may I find what others have posted?

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