As promised, Pauline Tardif has provided me with reference to the new ASC Position regarding MAID

While MAID is not to be regarded as obligatory .. it is a personal, informed choice and considered as a part of Advanced Care Planning.   Persons with dementia can say either “no” or “yes,” but they should be informed and counselled about all their choices with respect to the provisions of care – both living and palliative.

I am elated!   It provides for everything we need: support for information about MAID;  counselling support for those considering a choice for MAID;  and acknowledgement of the shortfalls of the current legislation and the need for support for Advanced Requests (ARs).

We have a way to go, but this new ASC position clears the way for advocates for better legislation and professional practices.

Thank you to the ASC Board, Pauline and all the others who contributed to this new enlightened position.

Ron Posno

Good News – August 1, 2019

Really good news, the Alzheimer’s Society for Canada(ASC) is revising its policy regarding MAID.   Pending ratification by the Board of Directors in September, the ASC will post its new policy on their website.   Now we can move forward with programmes that truly provide a “Beacon of Hope” for many people living with dementia.   And now, more importantly, we can actively support Dying With Dignity Canada(DWDC) in its attempts to rectify the shortfalls of MAID.   See the ASC’s stated intention as of August 1, 2019.