Audrey wanted change. At the time of her death(November 1, 2018), the Minister of Health said “…I’d allow Audrey her wishes, but Canadian law says ‘no.’” The Minister of Justice said “the Government does not plan to change the law.” The “law” in both instances refers to MAID.
With the passage of C-14(MAID) in June 2016, the Government required the collection of data regarding its use. A report was expected – with no recommendations – by the end of December, 2018. In November, 2018, the Government finally stipulated ‘what’ and ‘how’ the data was to be collected. By this date(22 December 2018) no data report has been issued to the general public.
Two years ago, the Government commissioned the CCA(the Council of Canadian Academies) to study the problems and issues related to the use of MAID with requests by mature minors, advance requests, and requests where a mental disorder is the sole underlying medical condition. Again, it was stipulated that no recommendations were to be prepared nor published. The CCA Report was issued on time(12 December 2018). My analysis of the report related to the use of Advance Requests and the excellent analysis of DWDC follow: